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The Classic Creation Story in Complete Verso

Writer's picture: Ultra-Modern Book MarketingUltra-Modern Book Marketing

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Ultra-Modern Book Review of In the Beginning by Nick Girard

After years of watching God destroy his creations, Lucifer, frustrated with his master, incites God to create a couple, immune to the angel's influence, possessing no devotion to God, only everlasting love for one another. God agreed, creating Dave Dougherty and Charlotte Mattson. Together their souls will determine the fate of all souls.

Will love conquer the being that created it, or will God win and banish all souls to eternal slavery?

Behold, as author Nick Girard takes book lovers on a unique reading experience with his premiere book, In The Beginning. Ironically, even the cover tells a story. Readers may notice the smooth book cover and think there is no image on the surface, but it speaks to the void God experienced initially as the only being in existence. Girard introduces the classic Creation story in complete verso—most notably, the personality traits of God and Lucifer; and the intention behind heaven and hell. I enjoyed the magnificent descriptions of how the world came to be. I felt like I was there watching the world and the galaxy form.

When an author provides meticulous details, my imagination goes into overdrive. So, thank you, Girard, for making that happen. Especially with your description of known characters, the angels, Lucifer, and God, and the introduction of new characters, David and Charlotte. The connotation that supernatural forces cannot manipulate unconditional love is beautiful and vital to sentient existence. Another takeaway is the author's poignant message that non-believers are not evil. They could often be the opposite, and it could be believers who are actually wicked. What do you think?

alt="In the Beginning by Nick Girard"

In The Beginning, is guaranteed to spark conversation and contemplation. I recommend it to everyone but book clubs, primarily because of the ensuing discussions. It's notably a refreshing read. I found it to be a superbly narrated, authentic saga.

Ultra-Modern Book Review: 5/5




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