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Writer's picture: Ultra-Modern Book MarketingUltra-Modern Book Marketing

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

ULTRA-MODERN Book Review of Silly Little Sleepyhead by The Wilson Brothers


Silly Little Sleepyhead is an entertaining rhythmic story written by Wes Wilson and illustrated by Ryan Wilson, better known as The Wilson Brothers. Destined to be a kid cult favorite, join little Sleepyhead as he falls asleep in some peculiar places.

Have you ever fallen asleep on top of a flowerbed, by the shed built by your Grandpa Fred, or in your fridge in the cottage by the bridge? Well, Silly Little Sleepyhead has fallen asleep in those places and more!

Does Little Sleepyhead ever make it to his bed?

If you need a laugh, pick up "Silly Little Sleepyhead” for your preschooler or kindergartner. They will love the rhyming words and beautiful colored pencil illustrations, which are just as creative as the story. This book is great for sleepy time or anytime.


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