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Action Speaks Louder Than Words

Writer's picture: Ultra-Modern Book MarketingUltra-Modern Book Marketing

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a children’s book that centers on some of the crucial elements that helped shape the man, the hero, which we now celebrate in the entire United States of America, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Even as a child, Dr. King knew the power of words and its effect on people. He was affected as a child by the phrase “White Only” plastered all around his neighborhood. These signs

made King feel sad. Fortunately, his mother was there to reinforce love and inspire self-confidence in her black son. Young King also witnessed the power of words as his father preached and read from the Bible to his congregation. His father’s words made King feel good. He, too, wanted to learn big words like his father, but the “big words” little Martin was referring to had nothing to do with acquiring a more extensive vocabulary; that would be too easy. Instead, his “big words” were more of a metaphor for the message or lessons Young Martin hoped to express and the feelings he desired to evoke with these words or phrases. Now Dr. King’s speeches might consist of simple, catchy slogans and easy words, but at the essence, what he was requesting from the United States people was a direct call to action. It was the action or movement that was big and arduous, the ideas that he wanted the world to accomplish, such as peace, unity, and equality, that is what was “big.”

Doreen Rappaport chose an exceptional approach to introduce children to the life and times of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She delved into the why and how Dr. King became Dr. King. Mrs. Rappaport discussed his accomplishments, such as the bus boycott, and shared segments of his inspiring speeches. In the back of her book, there was a timeline of important facts about Dr. King’s life. There was much symbolism in the book, from the collage art to the literature itself. The main idea was clear, making for a great reference book for young students. Just as Gandhi’s works inspired Dr. King, hopefully, children will be inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and follow in his footsteps.

ULTRA-MODERN Book Review: 5/5

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