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A Creative Way to Have "The Conversation!"

Writer's picture: Ultra-Modern Book MarketingUltra-Modern Book Marketing

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Ultra-Modern Book Review of Shiloh & Dande the Lion by Ciara L. Hill

Shiloh & Dande the Lion is a masterfully written and illustrated book about wanting to be accepted for who we are and not what we look like. Shiloh went to his first day at his new school with an open mind, optimistic about the chance to make new friends. But his confidence was shaken when his peers did not accept him because of the color of his beautiful brown skin. Understandably upset, Shiloh describes his dreadful day to his mother through tears. With sincere understanding, she listens to her son and provides him with the knowledge and tools needed to rebuild his confidence. Although Shiloh understood his mother’s advice, he did not quite know how to utilize this information. That was until he had a beautifully illustrated underwater dream. The dream was parallel to his earlier experiences. This time though, Shiloh was accompanied by his enormously magnificent stuffed animal friend, Dande the Lion, whose wisdom and role as protector mirrors Shiloh’s mother. But even in the sea, Shiloh was bombarded by discrimination due to his appearance. At the end of the story, Shiloh no longer needs the security of Dande the Lion; he finds his strength, he finds his voice and stands up to those who hurt his feelings in a peaceful but courageous demeanor, just like Dande the Lion taught him. When Shiloh awoke the following day, he knew what to do.

A sweet way to introduce The Conversation

Ultra-Modern Book Review: 5/5


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